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The  Art  in Wildlife


A little gem on the southwest side of Fayette County, Indiana, the Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary.   It consists of 700 wooded acres with various trails and lots of natural and man-made features for exploring nature.  In my first wildlife photo safari there in July 2024, I became mesmerized by the butterflies of all things!   I hope to continue to visit and add more photos to this gallery.


May of 2024 proved to be the most inspiring discovery for me, I fell in love with Wildlife Photography after a visit to Yellowstone National Park, Grand Tetons National Park, The Badlands National Park and lots of other stops in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and South Dakota.  Below is a sampling of my work from that trip.   A blog is in development, and I hope to share stories and more photos from that trip there.


2024 marks the second year I've been connecting more with the wildlife in my own backyard.   Because be border a city park, we get a variety of visitors who are more docile & used to people.   This allows me to gain the trust of a few squirrels in order to gain distance between us for photographs.   I'm excited to experiment more with my new Super-Telephoto lens this year!

 |  ALASKA | 

In 2014, while exploring the Alaskan coast, I attended a wildlife excursion focused on seals and whales.   Ten years later and I'm still in awe
of the magaical animals in this frigid  water.